Saturday, January 28, 2012

A random update

So I'm up pretty late which is funny because wanna know what time we went to bed last night? 7:45! And we slept til 8 this morning! Craziness. It did feel pretty good.

These are the new shoes I got. I'm not sure if you'll like them...but I do!

I'm quite addicted to pinterest...will this wear off in time? As if I needed another website to check! Oh well. I'm very paranoid about pinning too much though. I'd hate to annoy someone. I'm just very enthusiastic about it! I mean, here I've really only been doing this a few days and I already have more pins up than you do!

Sorry to cut this short but I really should be going to bed soon. I'd like to hear more about your classes and how you feel about health ed and your new job especially!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Look at my supper!

It almost follows the ChooseMyPlate system! I'm just missing grain but that's not too big of a deal :P
So it's pork chops (CHECK OUT THE GRILL MARKS, DUDE!), spinach and mushroom sauted in garlic infused olive oil, and pineapple! Oh, and Silk -- soooo yummy!!
And then for dessert - Blueberry cake in a mug! SOOO GOOD! I kinda
made it up, it's nothing special but it's been one of those days where I just need something sweet and this hits just the spot!
Hope you had a great day! You need to post something soon...

Saturday, January 21, 2012

First Saturday of the Semester!

Happy Weekend!

I didn't wake up till noon today after staying up past 1am looking at food blogs. I was starving when I went to bed after looking at all the delicious recipes!

My first week of school went pretty well. On Tuesday morning my very first class of the semester was my Heath Psychology and Behavioral Medicine class and the very first word my teacher said was "SHIT!" She couldn't get her computer to work because all the classrooms run on PC's while she's grown up with macs. I can feel her pain! I love this class! I absolutely love the way she thinks. Thursday we were talking about the health care system and how it's probably the biggest financial burden the US faces and obviously something needs to change. I finally agree that we do need a heath care reform and it's not some scary democratic thing, it's a serious issue. However, she doesn't believe that social health care will work, it's just not a possibility in America because we're not going to want to wait 6 months to be treated because of our "I want it now" agenda. I totally agree with her!

Which brings me to my Health Discipline class. The first day I went to that class I came in thinking the whole class was a joke and an easy A but a total bore. However on Friday my mind was completely changed. It's main focus is on health education and I realized that I may want a profession in public health or health education. I've always had a negative attitude on all the public health organizations, for some reason I just think they're a bunch of dimwits. But adolescent obesity is such a problem and I think it would be rewarding if you could change America's view on a healthy lifestyle.

As for my genetics class, I have a super nice old guy as my professor and I love him! He told us the FUNNIEST story on Thursday! We're reviewing Mendel's studies and dominant and recessive genes and at the beginning of class he had us taste test PTC paper to see if we were tasters or non-tasters of the bitter preservative solution. I have a recessive gene (tt) for the non-tasters which means both mom and dad are either heterozygous (Tt) or recessive like me :)
Anyways, his funny story: One of the first years he worked for A&M the school had asked him to set up a little table to kind of give perspective students an idea of what his class deals with for an orientation. He realized a lot more people showed up than just high school seniors, lots of families from the town came as well. His set up was of this PTC paper and he had a big tally board to make marks so he can show the dominance of the taster trait. During the day a middle aged man came up to the table to test if he had the taster gene. He couldn't taste anything but smiled and said he'd be back. Moments later he came back with a woman (presumably his wife) and his 3 kids. His wife put the paper in her mouth but couldn't taste anything. So you know both the parents are both recessive (tt) and it should be impossible for any of the kids to be able to taste it. His first oldest kid took the test an didn't taste anything, the middle child took the test and didn't taste anything, then the put a piece of paper in their 6 month old's mouth and immediately the baby had a fit and spit the paper out and went ballistic from the horribly bitter taste... The father was immediately suspicious and it was long enough ago to where paternity tests weren't done often. My teacher didn't know what to say. He asked if either of them smoke because that can have an effect on the gene. Neither of them did. My teacher didn't know what else to say other than it doesn't necessarily mean it's not his baby and they eventually left. Haha ooops.....

That's about all the exciting news for my week. Nothin else too intersting other than the countless job applications i'm filling out. 7 are completed. I have about 5-6 more to do and hopefully someone will want me! Anybody? Please???

Monday, January 16, 2012

Happy MLK Day!

Which means happy first day of school to my seester and happy day off for me! Today I am trying to be PRODUCTIVE and the only way I can really accomplish that is by writing up a schedule the night before and crossing things off as I right now I am in my 15 minute Internet break, hip hip hooray. Can't wait to hear how your news classes/major is treating you. LOVE LOVE

Thursday, January 5, 2012

...And a happy new year!

I think your schedule sounds very exciting! And I'm very happy for your lack of labs :) Here is my pretty little schedule:

11:30-12:20 ENGL 498: Business and Legal Aspects of the Creative Act
12:30-1:20 FREN 202

11:00-12:15 ENGL 402: Renaissance Poetry
12:30-1:45 ENGL 487: Capstone/Shakespeare Movie Adaptations
2:00-4:45 ENGL 352: Advanced Fiction Writing (Tuesdays only)

Overall I think it'll be a delightful semester. Last semester I got in the habit of waking up early almost every morning to finish homework. Hopefully I'll be better about working ahead so I can save my mornings for working out and sleeping in on Fridays! I am equal parts excited and nervous about graduating in May, but I'll worry about that later. For now, I'm just excited for classes to start :)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Merry Christmas! Here's the schedule...

Mom said she wants to start a blog with us where we all try out a recipe and then blog about it... I like the idea and I said she should just get added on to this one, however this blog has a different purpose so perhaps we'll just have to start a new one!!! :D
Anyways, to get to the purpose of this blog, how bout a schedule for next semester!!

MWF: HLTH 210- Intro to the Discipline... (1:50-2:40pm)
MW: NUTR 202- Fundamentals of Human Nutrition (4:10-5:25pm)
TR: PSYC 360- Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine (9:35-10:50am)
GENE 310- Principles of Hereditary (2:20-3:35pm)
Online: HLTH 231- Healthy Lifestyles
HLTH 236- Race Ethnicity & Health

Does it sound boring?? At least it will be fairly easy. Genetics is what I'm most concerned about. The nutrition and all the health classes will be a piece of cake. and the psychology class will be tough but interesting! NO SCIENCE WITH LABS!!!!!! WOO-HOO!!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Fresh start

I thought it would be fitting, given what our last posts were about, to share with you my new schedule for the fall, since I signed up for classes today! (always a momentous and exciting occasion for me) :)

I don't really feel like going through all the trouble of doing a screen shot right now, but I'll write it out for you:
 MWF: 10:30-11:20 FREN 201
             7:00-9:50 TEAC 431: History of Ed in USA (Wed nite only)
TR: 9:30-10:45 ENGL 275: Literary/Critical Theory
      11:00-12:15 ENGL 205A: Poets since 1945
       2:00-3:15 SPED 201: Intro to Special Ed

It's not exactly what I had in mind when I was planning, but I think it should be fun. When do you sign up for classes?